Constipation Abu Dhabi
Although everyone has a unique pattern of bowel movements, the general scale of having fewer than three movements in a week is considered to be a case of constipation. How many times you go during the day depends from person to person. If you are going only once a day that is completely normal as well. No matter what your bowel movement pattern is, as long as you are regularly defecating it is considered to be healthy.
Another thing that is important for healthy pooping and bowel movement is that you are not having difficulty in passing the stool. Taking a very long time to poop or having difficulty in pushing the stool can be clear signs of constipation. At the end of pooping, if you do not feel that you have empty your bowel, it can also be a sign of constipation. Here we will discuss how to treat and manage constipation Abu Dhabi.
Symptoms of Constipation Abu Dhabi
Various symptoms can help you recognize a case of constipation. It is always useful to identify a case of chronic constipation before it is too late. The earlier it is identified, the quicker its treatment would be. Here are some of the most common symptoms of chronic constipation:
Passing few stools
If you are unable to poop properly at least three times a week, it can be a telltale symptom of constipation. No matter what your bowel movement pattern is, it is important to defecate regularly.
Hard stools
If your stool is quite hard or lumpy, it is also an important symptom of constipation. There are various reasons behind this symptom which can be treated with effective treatment of constipation.
Needing to strain while pooping
Defecating should be a natural and easy process. If you need to strain your push and feel drained of energy at the end of it, then it is not a healthy bowel movement. This is usually treated as a common symptom of constipation.
Feeling a blockage in your rectum
Sometimes it may feel that there is a blockage in your rectum that is preventing you from pooping. This is caused due to constipation.
The feeling of full stool even after pooping
Even after pooping, if you feel like you have not emptied your stool and there is still some left in your rectum, this is another common sign of constipation.
If you face the symptoms for more than 3 months, then it will be considered a case of chronic constipation which would need immediate medical assistance.
Causes of Constipation Abu Dhabi
Now that we know the common symptoms for identifying a case of chronic constipation, it will be useful to know the causes behind them.
Blockage in the rectum
If there is some blockage in the rectum or colon, the stool movement would be slow or restricted. There can be various reasons behind this such as tiny tears in the skin around the anus, colon cancer, rectal cancer, rectal bulb by the back wall of the vagina, narrowing of the colon, bowel obstruction by a blockage in the intestine, and so on.
Unhealthy nerves around the rectum and colon
Neurological problems affecting the nerves around the rectum and colon can also cause chronic constipation. These nerves affect muscle movements causing difficulty in pooping. Some of the common reasons behind this can be autonomic neuropathy in which the nerves that handle the bodily functions are damaged, Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, or even a stroke.
Problems with pelvic muscles
If your pelvic muscles are unable to properly function in the bowel movement, it can make pooping difficult as well. This can easily lead to chronic constipation. Some common reasons behind this are the inability to relax pelvic muscles which are important for bowel movement, weakened pelvic muscles, and even pelvic muscles that are unable to coordinate relaxation and contraction properly.
Diagnosis and Tests of Constipation Abu Dhabi
To help with your case of constipation, your doctor would ask questions regarding your medical history, lifestyle habits, routines, and bowel movement patterns. Some of the common questions that you may be asked can be:
Do you have any past or current health conditions?
Have you had any digestive tract surgeries?
Have you ever had a colonoscopy?
Have you gained or lost weight drastically recently?
Are you using any supplements or medications for disorders and constipation?
How often is your bowel movement?
What does your stool look like?
Have you seen any blood in your stool or in and around your toilet bowl?
What is your exercise routine?
What are your common lifestyle habits?
These questions would help your doctor get a clear idea regarding your current physical condition and the possible causes of constipation. After this discussion, a physical exam would be conducted to check your vital signs and the sounds of your abdomen. Any signs of pain, tenderness, lumps, and swelling can be diagnosed this way. For cases of constipation, it is also important to perform a rectal exam.
In a rectal exam, the doctor would stick their finger inside the rectum to check for any breakages or bumps. Some lab medical tests can also be conducted like blood and urine test, computed tomography, MRI or lower gastrointestinal tract series, colonoscopy, and other bowel function tests.
Management and Treatment of Constipation Abu Dhabi
If you are not suffering from chronic and serious constipation, then it is possible to manage it yourself at home. Here are some recommendations that can help you relieve your constipation symptoms at home:
Hydrating yourself properly by drinking at least for extra glasses of water every day
Avoiding caffeine-containing drinks and alcoholic beverages
Eating bran cereal and prunes
Adding lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other high-fiber foods to your diet.
Avoiding foods like meat, cheese, and eggs
Maintaining a proper posture while sitting on the toilet
Regularly exercising and having sufficient movement during the day
Taking over the counter stool softener to soften your stool
If you are suffering from a serious case of constipation then it is highly advised that you seek medical advice. Sometimes other medical conditions can cause constipation as a symptom. In such cases, it would be important to relieve the disorder or condition which is causing constipation to get rid of it.
Prevention of Constipation Abu Dhabi
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle routine and diet can help prevent chronic constipation problems. You should always eat a well-balanced diet that is high in fiber. Drinking sufficient water and including lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet would help you remain healthy and have a good bowel movement. Exercising regularly is also very important to maintain your muscles in good health.
Paying attention to your bodily changes and bowel movement patterns can be useful in identifying any serious cases of constipation early on. If you are suffering from severe pain during bowel movements, it is not advised to ignore it and further stress your muscles. Seek medical advice at the earliest and check with your doctor to see the actual cause behind it. With proper treatment and care, it is possible to get rid of this condition.